Since the Olive Drab is a little lighter than what I normally paint, I only did one pass for highlighting. Typically, I will do up to three passes, going slightly lighter each time, until I hit a shade that is about 25% lighter than what I started with.
For the Olive Drab of this Tiger, I mixed 90% Model Master Acryl Olive Drab 4728 (my base color), with 5% Vallejo 913 Yellow Ochre, and 5% Flat White. Add a little water to this to retard the drying, and I got started. On something this big, it is important to remember the mix, as it will take a little longer than one sitting to get it all done.
Using a ¼” flat brush, I removed almost all paint from the brush onto a paper towel, and hit the high points, panel lines, bolt heads, rivets, etc. In some smaller areas I also used a 3/0 brush. Once all this was complete, I used a very light dry brush of Metallic Grey at spots where paint would get rubbed off, such as grab handles. A little of this goes a long way.
I also touched-up the metal bits on the cables and pioneer tools with a few different metallic shades to vary the color.
Once drybrushing was complete, I again shot a light coat of Dullcote over the Tiger. This will protect the work and get it ready for the next step, which is to apply a pastel dusting. I also put the tracks on at this point.
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