The front mudguards are a decent representation of the real ones, but they need improved. In real life, these were hinged on the outer 1/3, and Tamiya has this hinge molded, but it isn't great, and there is no latching mechanism like in real life. There is a very slight panel line where the two parts meet, but this should be a true cut on the ends where the hinge does not cover it. All of this could be improved, by filing off the hinge, cutting the mudguards where they should, then scratch building hinges, latches, etc. But, these mudguards weren't used until early 1943, and my Tunisian Tiger predates that, which used a different style mudguard. For the earliest Tigers, you will see an unhinged mudguard, that is angled about 10-degrees further than the angle on the front glacis, and then at the mid-point, it has a bend that sends the outer half about another 10-degrees down. These mudguards were also covered in tread plate.
It was time to get the Dremel, and with my cut-off disc, removed the existing mudguards. While there, and you will see this in the photo, it was time to smooth the cut using a file and sandpaper (320), and filling the gap that was hidden under the mudguard.
The replacement will be fabricated using sheet stock, cut to size, and with the correct angle in the middle. Then, I will cover that with scale deck plate, which is available in that scale for car models. Again, check out the local hobby shop or Roll Models. Since I don't have any deck plate, finishing the mudguards will wait.
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